About Us
K & K Prairie Recycling Services is a national scrap metal recycling and industrial services company operating throughout North America. We have been operating in Western Canada for 14 years. Our headquarters is located in Camrose, AB. We are focused on partners small and large to provide customized recycling solutions.
" KKPRS Mission statement is to treat its employees, customers and suppliers with respect and integrity. KKPRS never settles for the "status quo", the company strives to challenge itself and offer creative solutions"

We are a leader in the metal recycling industry and offer a large range of services from scrap metal recycling, remote processing, decommissioning, torching, to brokerage and marketing. Our commitment to safety and experienced labour force ensures our clients that they are getting the best service possible.

We value our employees, customers and suppliers and believe that the integrity within those relationships build long lasting, strong and profitable partnerships.
We look forward to working with you!